Tagged: ineffective compliance

The Emperor Has No [Compliance Program]

The Emperor Has No [Compliance Program]

At the outset, I have to apologize for the title but during my morning bike ride I usually come up with blog posting titles. But moving past the trite title, I have a point to make. It starts with a hypothetical – a CEO is supposed to introduce a company’s new code of conduct at a company event. Everyone attends – in person or virtually...

The Danger of Compliance Overkill

The Danger of Compliance Overkill

Government prosecutors spend time promoting enforcement programs and encouraging companies to design and implement effective ethics and compliance programs. The blogosphere is filled with articles, surveys, studies, warnings, and marketing efforts all directed to encourage companies to increase compliance programs and resources. Companies have responded by increasing attention and resources to ethics and compliance programs. In particular, regulated industries are spending vast sums to enhance,...