Tagged: Judge Stanley Sporkin

A Personal Tribute to Judge Stanley Sporkin: The Fern Street Crew Gang Prosecution (Part II of II)

My relationship with Judge Sporkin started in the 1990s when I served as an Assistant U.S. Attorney in the District of Columbia.  I prosecuted a number of criminal cases before Judge Sporkin. In 1996, my colleague, Jim Dinan, and I prosecuted a RICO and Continuing Criminal Enterprise gang case against the “Fern Street Crew,” before Judge Sporkin.  The case involved five defendants who were charged...

A Personal Tribute to Judge Stanley Sporkin (Part I of II)

A Personal Tribute to Judge Stanley Sporkin (Part I of II)

Judge Stanley Sporkin was a mentor, a professional colleague and a friend.  I admired Judge Sporkin, respected his commitment to integrity and valued our professional collaboration and personal friendship. Judge Stanley Sporkin died on March 23, 2020.  He was 88 years old.  I am compelled to write about my friend.  I will miss him. Judge Sporkin’s reputation for fairness and integrity was beyond reproach.  His...