Tagged: KPMG

Insights from Recent NAVEX Global and KPMG Surveys

Insights from Recent NAVEX Global and KPMG Surveys

Chief compliance officers are always hungry for benchmarking data, for comparisons and insights around how their respective compliance programs stack up against other companies, especially in the same industry.  Compliance professionals, as a general rule, are collaborative and willing to share information with each other.  CCOs are an optimistic lot and enjoy sharing best practices, ideas and insights in order to further the ethics and...

The KPMG Debacle – Five Former KPMG Employees and Former PCAOB Employees Indicted for Fraud and Conspiracy

The KPMG Debacle – Five Former KPMG Employees and Former PCAOB Employees Indicted for Fraud and Conspiracy

KPMG has been taking it on the chin lately – and apparently for good reason.  KPMG is enmeshed in an unfolding corruption scandal in South Africa.  Add to that the indictment last week of five individuals (four KPMG employees and a Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (“PCAOB”)) and the unsealing of a guilty plea by another individual from KPMG and a former PCAOB employee.  (See...