Tagged: lavish

The FIFA Criminal Case – DOJ’s Extensive Criminal Toolbox

The FIFA Criminal Case – DOJ’s Extensive Criminal Toolbox

Now that the dust has settled a little on the FIFA criminal case, I wanted to throw my two cents into the commentary pot. Those who focus on whether the FIFA case is a “corruption case,” “an FCPA case” or some other short-handed description are missing the point. The FIFA case represents the best that DOJ can do – it was a classic, long-term investigation...

Encouraging Employees to Break the “Rules” to Do the Right Thing

Encouraging Employees to Break the “Rules” to Do the Right Thing

Lauren Connell of The Volkov Law Group joins us again for a posting about corruption and gifts and hospitality.  Her profile is here and she can be reached at [email protected]. Laws and regulations draw black lines in often-gray areas. That is their purpose; they exist to make it easier to tell what is “wrong” and what is “right” (as defined by whoever made the law)....

Gifts, Meals and Prosecution:  BHP Billiton’s Settlement

Gifts, Meals and Prosecution: BHP Billiton’s Settlement

The SEC is on a mission – companies that engage in egregious payment schemes for gifts, hospitality and travel are going to get prosecuted for civil FCPA violations. Recent SEC enforcement actions against companies continue, and BHP Billiton’s settlement last week is another example of the SEC’s prosecution strategy. BHP Billiton agreed to pay a $25 million penalty to settle SEC charges for internal controls...