Tagged: lawyers

Gatekeeper Misfires and Corporate Governance Failures

Gatekeeper Misfires and Corporate Governance Failures

Here is another obvious point – internal controls are intended to ensure compliance with relevant policies and procedures.  Internal controls are not just for show, or not just limited to financial reporting.   A compliance program is a subset of a company’s internal controls. So, all this is well and good.  But it appears that a number of companies have been getting into trouble because they...

The Real Value of Lawyers to Compliance

The Real Value of Lawyers to Compliance

The legal profession is transforming itself, especially in the area of compliance. Lawyers are an invaluable part of a compliance program. They provide important perspective and understanding of risk, they help a company to assess and navigate legal risks and they interface with regulators and enforcement agencies. The most effective compliance programs usually are built around a strong partnership between a chief compliance officer and...

When Lawyers Get in the Way of Compliance

When Lawyers Get in the Way of Compliance

I hate to pick on lawyers. I have been practicing law for nearly 35 years. I have worked with and met a lot of lawyers, some great, some good and some not so good. Lawyers can sometimes be their own worst enemies. When lawyers engage in ‘territorial” battles, or controversies over petty issues, they always lose, no matter what the result. A confident professional will...