Tagged: Legg Mason FCPA

Textbook Lessons Learned from the Société Générale and Legg Mason FCPA Enforcement Action (Part III of III)

Textbook Lessons Learned from the Société Générale and Legg Mason FCPA Enforcement Action (Part III of III)

Sometimes it takes a large enforcement action to underscore basic and important anti-corruption compliance principles.  The Société Générale enforcement action demonstrated two important principles – the dangers of a weak corporate culture and the need to apply basic third-party risk management practices to respond to and resolve red flags when they occur. Absence of Culture of Ethics: Société Générale’s culture, as described in the Statement...

Société Générale and Legg Mason Pay the Price for Bribery in Libya (Part II of III)

Société Générale and Legg Mason Pay the Price for Bribery in Libya (Part II of III)

Société Générale and Legg Mason carried out a massive bribery scheme to pay Gaddafi-era government officials in Libya in exchange for large investments by Libya government funds.  In total, Société Générale and Legg Mason paid over $90 million in bribes in exchange for over $3.6 billion in investments and profits of over $500 million. The Bribery Scheme In a lengthy factual statement, the government, Société...

Justice Department Settles Gaddafi-Libya FCPA Cases with Société Générale and Legg Mason (Part I of III)

Justice Department Settles Gaddafi-Libya FCPA Cases with Société Générale and Legg Mason (Part I of III)

In a one-two punch of FCPA enforcement actions, the Justice Department announced two related FCPA settlements involving Société Générale and Legg Mason for Gaddafi-era bribery payments to Libyan officials. In the first settlement announced, Société Générale agreed to pay a total of $860 million in criminal penalties, $585 million for FCPA violations and $275 million in a separate investigation for manipulation of London InterBank Offered...