Tagged: managing conflicts of interest

Webinar: Conflicts of Interest — Effective Strategies to Mitigate Risks

Webinar: Conflicts of Interest — Effective Strategies to Mitigate Risks

Webinar: Conflicts of Interest — Effective Strategies to Mitigate Risks Wednesday, October 16, 2019 12 Noon EST Sign Up HERE Chief compliance officers are often responsible for managing a company’s conflicts of interest policy. A company can suffer serious legal and reputational harm if it fails to identify and mitigate conflicts of interest. The nature and scope of conflicts of interest vary across the organization,...

The Importance of A Robust Conflicts of Interest Program

The Importance of A Robust Conflicts of Interest Program

It is always interesting to learn how companies handle specific compliance issues. Years ago, I could always tell when a compliance department was lacking in stature and independence in a company. Typically, I observed three important indicators – a compliance department that was stuck in the legal department reporting to the general counsel; mired in detailed gifts, meals and entertainment reviews and approvals; and devoted...