Tagged: Nonprosecution agreement

Episode 104 — Deep Dive into Microsoft FCPA Settlement

Episode 104 — Deep Dive into Microsoft FCPA Settlement

On July 22, 2019, Microsoft finally resolved its FCPA enforcement action with a whimper.  Notwithstanding prior suggestions that Microsoft’s investigation uncovered global conduct, Microsoft’s liability focused primarily on Microsoft’s conduct in Hungary.  Even with the tailored settlement agreement,  DOJ and the SEC reiterated robust expectations surrounding third-party distributor networks, particularly in the software industry. To resolve a lengthy six and one-half year investigation, Microsoft entered into a non-prosecution...

IAP Worldwide FCPA Settlement: The Power of “Voluntary” Disclosure

IAP Worldwide FCPA Settlement: The Power of “Voluntary” Disclosure

Okay, everyone take out their tea leaves and let’s get started on the IAP corruption case – DOJ announced a Non-Prosecution Agreement with IAP Worldwide Services and the criminal plea of a former executive who funneled bribes through a third-party to a Kuwait government official. When you read the facts, the case is like many other FCPA fact patterns. Illegal bribes were paid to a...