Tagged: odebrecht

Predicting the Future: What Would Truly Global Anti-Corruption Enforcement Look Like?

Lauren Connell, Managing Associate at The Volkov Law Group, joins us with a posting on the recent Odebrecht settlement. Lauren can be reached at [email protected]. Within the SEC and DOJ’s blockbuster ending to 2016 was the Odebrecht settlement.  The amount involved, a stunning $4.5 billion (pending a possible reduction for inability to pay), grabbed headlines around the world.  But more interesting than the final figure...

Badda Bing, Badda Boom!! — DOJ and SEC Make 2016 a Record Year for FCPA Enforcement (Part I of III)

We begin the New Year with a three-part series on the FCPA: (1) A review of FCPA enforcement in 2016; (2) Trends from 2016 FCPA enforcement; and (3) Predictions for FCPA enforcement in 2017. From the narrow perspective of FCPA enforcement, the Justice Department and the SEC have demonstrated yet again the maturation of their respective aggressive FCPA enforcement programs. As in 2014 (but not...