Tagged: private equity

DOJ’s Balancing Act — Incentives to Cooperate and Deterrence (Part III of III)

While DOJ did not have an overwhelming FCPA enforcement year, DOJ has devoted significant energy to tweaking its enforcement and compliance policies.  These measures were believed to coincide with a number of significant prosecutions — but alas, they really did not materialize.  The modifications and tweaks to DOJ’s Corporate Enforcement Policy, however, were significant.  DOJ’s primary focus has been on accountability and prosecution of individuals...

Compliance and Private Equity: An Oxymoron?

We all enjoy an oxymoron, e.g., army intelligence, compassionate conservative. Some words go together and some do not. When it comes to compliance and private equity companies, you can predict with usual success that private equity and compliance do not fit. Sometimes simple statements turn out to be good explanations for a trend. When a private equity firm acquires a company, the focus is on...

Private Equity and the Och-Ziff Enforcement Action

Since 2010, the Justice Department and the SEC have been “investigating” a number of private equity and hedge funds for FCPA violations. The launch of the inquiries was a big deal with lots of fanfare and focus on private equity corruption risks. In time, nothing happened. Well, that is about to change. DOJ and the SEC are getting close to announcing a large settlement with...

Private Equity’s Corruption Risk Underbelly — Portfolio Companies

FCPA enforcement will likely take a turn into the private equity industry. I know this is a regular claim by FCPA practitioners but we already can see the beginning of the trend. The “princeling” investigations are ongoing and the industry is fighting back, claiming that internships awarded to family members of foreign officials were not given with corrupt intent or were not of any value...

Webinar: Managing Private Equity Corruption Risks

Date: Tuesday, August 11, 2015 Time: 12 Noon EST Sign Up Here Justice Department and SEC prosecutors are devoting greater attention to private equity FCPA enforcement. This coincides with increased SEC regulation and examination of the private equity industry. Private equity companies face significant corruption risks in global markets. From sovereign wealth funds to portfolio companies, private equity compliance officers have to design and implement...