Tagged: procurement

A Compliance Priority — Watching Where Your Money Goes

A Compliance Priority — Watching Where Your Money Goes

His money is twice tainted: taint yours and taint mine – Mark Twain In a number of enforcement contexts, I am always struck by a common theme – crooks are able to obtain access to corporate money for improper purposes.  You never hear about a crook who uses his own money to pay bribes or secure any illegal advantage. Companies have to maintain vigilant financial...

Maximizing Compliance Opportunities: Your Vendor Onboarding Process and Vendor Master File

Maximizing Compliance Opportunities: Your Vendor Onboarding Process and Vendor Master File

Compliance practitioners are opportunists. They have to look for openings in the corporate resource world to build partnerships with related functions. To put it another way, they are purveyors of compliance thinking – they inject the compliance mindset into functions that can advance the effectiveness of compliance controls. When it comes to the vendor onboarding process, compliance practitioners need to participate in the design and...

Coordinating Third Party Due Diligence and Procurement

Coordinating Third Party Due Diligence and Procurement

Third party risk management is easily one of the most challenging risks for compliance officers. With all the attention and hype surrounding third party risk, companies have marshaled attention and resources to mitigate the risk created by third party intermediaries. In the last five years, companies have embraced new technologies to automate their third party screening and monitoring programs. Companies are slowly but steadily replacing...