Tagged: reasonable inquiries

EU Mandatory ESG Due Diligence

EU Mandatory ESG Due Diligence

Alex Cotoia, Regulatory Compliance Manager, at The Volkov Law Group, rejoins us for a posting on ESG due diligence requirements. Alex can be reached at [email protected]. On March 10, 2021—by an overwhelming majority—the European Parliament passed a resolution that directs the European Commission to move forward with a formal directive (“Directive”) mandating Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”) due diligence by companies throughout their value chains....

Cecil the Lion and Due Diligence Failures

Cecil the Lion and Due Diligence Failures

Lauren Connell, Managing Associate  at the Volkov Law Group, joins us again for a guest post.  Lauren’s profile is here and she can be reached at [email protected]. The “I didn’t know” defense is a tough one to sustain. Maybe you didn’t “know,” but should you have known? Were all the signs there but you looked the other way? Should you have asked more questions?  Is...