Tagged: reputation

Taking Charge of a Company’s Reputation:  Assign a Single Person to Manage Reputational Risks (Part III of III)

Taking Charge of a Company’s Reputation: Assign a Single Person to Manage Reputational Risks (Part III of III)

One person who does not have a conflict in evaluating a company’s reputational risks should manage a company’s reputation. This approach starts with one basic requirement – the board and the CEO have to agree that a company’s reputational risks should be managed and mitigated. As an initial step, the company has to assign responsibility for reputational risk to a senior executive responsible for risk...

Calculating the Incalculable: Reputational Damage (Part I of III)

Calculating the Incalculable: Reputational Damage (Part I of III)

Today I begin a three-part series on reputational damage. The first part tries to define the term “reputational damage;” the second part focuses on managing threats to a company’s reputation; and the final posting proposes creation of a senior risk manager in a corporate leadership team. If you ask CEOs and board members about the threats to a company resulting from a DOJ enforcement action,...