Tagged: reputational risks

Social Media, Employees and Reputational Risks

Social Media, Employees and Reputational Risks

Organizational risk does not exist in a vacuum – social forces have a direct and immediate impact on company risks, especially when it comes to employee conduct.  Social media has transformed our society, making information sharing instantaneous. For companies, social media risks exist on internal communications platforms and on individual employee platforms outside of work.  Many companies find the issue so difficult and complex that...

Managing Threats to Corporate Reputations (Part II of III)

Managing Threats to Corporate Reputations (Part II of III)

Most companies do not adequately manage their reputations and the risks to their reputations. Too many companies are focused on “crisis” management, which is just another way to respond to a reputational risk that has already occurred. Such a focus is not reputational risk management but is more accurately labeled as crisis management, a reactive strategy. Companies have to change their perspectives and focus proactively...