Tagged: Stryker FCPA recidivist

Episode 64: Stryker’s SEC FCPA Settlement

Episode 64: Stryker’s SEC FCPA Settlement

Stryker Corporation has suffered a second FCPA enforcement action, and will now bear the stigma of FCPA “recidivist.”  In reaching a settlement with the SEC and agreeing to pay a $7.8 million civil penalty, Stryker will now be subject to an SEC-imposed compliance monitor. In this episode, Michael Volkov reviews the facts surrounding the Stryker SEC settlement.

Stryker Suffers “Strike Two” and Settles SEC FCPA Case

Stryker Corporation has suffered a second FCPA enforcement action, and will now bear the stigma of FCPA “recidivist.”  In reaching a settlement with the SEC and agreeing to pay a $7.8 million civil penalty, Stryker will now be subject to an SEC-imposed compliance monitor.  (Here). Stryker’s recent set of violations surrounded books and records violations and deficient accounting and compliance controls in India, China and...