Tagged: sustainability

A Deeper Dive into Supply Chain Transparency & Accountability

A Deeper Dive into Supply Chain Transparency & Accountability

The sheer proliferation of supply chain transparency and accountability regulations at international scale itself warrants a closer look at the level of scrutiny required of organizations with complex, multi-faceted, global, and increasingly interconnected, supply chains. Legislation as varied as the German Supply Chain Act, the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act, and proposed legislation for a more comprehensive due diligence framework at the European Union (“EU”)...

The EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive is (Almost) Here. Is Your Company Ready?

The EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive is (Almost) Here. Is Your Company Ready?

On January 1, 2024, the long-awaited EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (“CSRD”) begins to take effect. The CSRD is intended to redefine corporate social responsibility expectations for both in-scope companies and out-of-scope third-parties with whom they transact. This regulatory overhaul concentrates enforcement efforts on global supply chains, requiring in-scope companies to take an active role in safeguarding human rights not just within their own operations,...

Episode 189 — A Review of the ESG Movement

Episode 189 — A Review of the ESG Movement

ESG is firmly implanted in the corporate governance landscape.  Prosecutors and regulatory agencies are quickly adding ESG to their lexicon. The real question for every organization is “what are you doing to address it?”  ESG is a terrific opportunity to leverage an organization’s corporate culture to address a broad set of values beyond ESG principles. In this Episode, Michael Volkov discusses the ESG movement and...

Integrating ESG into Your Business

Integrating ESG into Your Business

It is easy to get lost in ESG.  Focus is the key.  Leadership has to define the ESG strategy.  A designated officer has to lead implementation.   The ESG bucket can carry a variety of causes, issues and priorities.  Leadership has to sift through these individual items and commit to action.  The ESG program now has to be implemented. A first step is to identify opportunities...

The Demand for Sustainability and Risk Management

The Demand for Sustainability and Risk Management

The COVID-19 pandemic uncovered the fragility of business operations – within the space of weeks, companies were forced to adjust to distribution channel and supply chain disruptions, workplace closings, and a virtual standstill in global trade.  The global economy came to a screeching halt.  While the economy is slowly recovering and poised for increased activity, consumers and investors have discovered the importance of organizational sustainability. ...

Building a Company Culture of Trust

Building a Company Culture of Trust

The messaging behind the need for companies to implement robust compliance programs continues to suffer from a narrow conception of the overall compliance function. It is easy to get lost in the weeds on compliance programs and focus on compliance tasks, policies, resources, assessments and audits. I have promoted a different messaging approach – one that gives full credit and priority to a robust compliance...