Tagged: Thomson Reuters

The Important Link Between Anti-Corruption Compliance and Effective Training Programs

The Important Link Between Anti-Corruption Compliance and Effective Training Programs

Julie DiMauro, Regulatory Intelligence Expert, Thomson Reuters, and Michael Volkov, CEO, The Volkov Law Group We were honored to jointly present a Thomson Reuters-sponsored webinar focused on Top Anti-Corruption Compliance Risks recently; if you missed it, please find the replay here.  Global anti-corruption risks are increasing at the same time that global cooperation among prosecutors and law enforcement agencies are facilitating the detection and penalization...

Thomson Reuters Webinar:  Top 3 Areas for Anti-Corruption Compliance

Thomson Reuters Webinar: Top 3 Areas for Anti-Corruption Compliance

Webinar: Top 3 Areas for Anti-Corruption Compliance April 11, 2019, 2 PM EST SIGN UP HERE As corruption risks increase, are you aware of the top 3 focus areas for compliance? Thomson Reuters is pleased to offer a webinar conducted by Julie DiMauro, Regulatory Intelligence Expert, and Michael Volkov, CEO at The Volkov Group focused on the top-3 issues for anti-corruption compliance. Global anti-corruption risks...

Julie DiMauro and Michael Volkov Video Discussion of FCPA and Compliance Issues

Julie DiMauro and Michael Volkov Video Discussion of FCPA and Compliance Issues

I had the honor of appearing with Julie DiMauro, a Regulatory Intelligence Expert, at Thomson Reuters Legal, in her regular videocast on important legal and regulatory issues. In our discussion, we review FCPA enforcement and compliance trends. The video is available HERE. Julie is a thought-leader in the regulatory and legal space. She is the Regulatory Intelligence Expert at Thomason Reuters Legal, and is a...