Tagged: values-based leadership

Episode 318 — LRN’s Recent Study Underscores Importance of Ethical Culture and Values-Based Leadership

LRN continues to set the standard for ethics and compliance program research.  Volkov Law is  a supporter of, and advocate for, LRN’s research because it has consistently confirmed what we all know and believe — ethical companies perform better in the marketplace over the long run.  It is an intuitive fact that employees respond better to values-based leadership than a rules-based environment and culture.  Volkov...

The Power of a Corporate Mission, Values-Based Leadership and the “S” of ESG

The Power of a Corporate Mission, Values-Based Leadership and the “S” of ESG

The ESG movement presents numerous opportunities for organizations to promote and improve overall performance.  By injecting the important focus on “sustainability,” organizations can take a broader view of their respective corporate missions to advance numerous objectives, including the financial bottom line. Under “traditional” economic analysis (e.g. Milton Friedman and a shareholder-interests only), a corporation’s sole mission was to increase shareholder value.  The market rules and...