Tagged: Wells Fargo remediation

The Long Road Back to Redemption: Wells Fargo’s Path to Remediation (Part II of II)

The Long Road Back to Redemption: Wells Fargo’s Path to Remediation (Part II of II)

Wells Fargo’s ability to grow its business is on hold for a year while it designs and implements a remediation program to address deficiencies in its board governance, risk management and compliance program.  The Federal Reserve’s action blocking Wells Fargo’s growth is perhaps the strongest condemnation of a company’s overall leadership and direction that the government can impose.  There is clearly a complete lack of...

Federal Reserve Hits Wells Fargo with Unprecedented Enforcement Action (Part I of II)

Federal Reserve Hits Wells Fargo with Unprecedented Enforcement Action (Part I of II)

In an extraordinary action, with significant ramifications for the financial industry, the Federal Reserve recently announced a series of enforcement actions against Wells Fargo. On Friday, February 2, 2018, which was then-Chairwoman Yellen’s last day in office, the Federal Reserve announced an enforcement action against Wells Fargo for its corporate governance failures and poor record of remediation. (The Press Release and Enforcement Documents are Here)....