Tagged: White collar enforcement

You Win Some and You Lose Some:  DOJ’s Stumbles and Mixed Bag of Criminal Trial Results (Part I of III)

You Win Some and You Lose Some:  DOJ’s Stumbles and Mixed Bag of Criminal Trial Results (Part I of III)

Winners Never Quite and Quitters Never Win – Vince Lombardi If you fight you might lose; if you don’t, you have already lost – Bertolt Brecht Federal prosecutors know that their job – to represent the United States – is the highlight of their legal career. Speaking from experience, federal prosecutors are a privileged lot – they can announce in court they represent the United...

2022 FCPA Predictions

2022 FCPA Predictions

This was a strange year.  Not just because of the continuing pandemic and economic disruption. The Biden Administration took over after an unusual and delayed transition. The apparatus of government was slow to transition. Compounding this disruption, the government had to maintain a singular focus on the pandemic. As a result, the wheels of government moved in strange ways, often with delays.  The Biden Administration’s...