Tagged: Yates Memo

Volkswagen: When Car Companies Veer Off Course (Part I of III)

Volkswagen: When Car Companies Veer Off Course (Part I of III)

Corporate misconduct occurs in a variety of forms. Starting with the basic truism – companies act through people, and when companies engage in misconduct it requires the coordination and collaboration of multiple actors. The scope of such misconduct can vary, of course, and the greater the extent of the misconduct, the more actors are involved. The auto industry’s record on safety misconduct is legendary, stretching...

FCPA Predictions for 2017 (Part III of III)

With the new incoming administration, everyone is busy predicting major changes in DOJ FCPA enforcement. I do not share this view. Frankly, FCPA enforcement is more bipartisan than other controversial enforcement programs (e.g. civil antitrust and merger enforcement), and DOJ’s FCPA program is very profitable. While there may be a renewed effort by the Chamber of Commerce to raise FCPA reform again, I do not...

Yates and Outsourcing Government Investigations

Yates and Outsourcing Government Investigations

The Justice Department’s recent Yates memorandum on individual accountability is a significant event. Sure, you can always find members of the FCPA Paparazzi who will discount the memo, or relegate it to a mere “political” statement. That view is unfortunate and ignores the real implications of the Yates memo. Such a viewpoint also shows how little members of the FCPA Paparazzi understand the true inner...

Webinar: Update to Internal Investigations Best Practices

Webinar: Update to Internal Investigations Best Practices

Webinar: Update to Internal Investigations Best Practices October 13, 2015, 12 Noon EST Sign Up HERE The Justice Department’s recent announcement of a new policy governing individual accountability in corporate internal investigations will have a significant impact in the conduct of internal investigations. Companies will have to provide complete information about all individuals involved in potential misconduct in order to earn any cooperation credit. DOJ’s...