Sign Up For Webinar: Health Care Fraud Enforcement Trends and Compliance

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Health Care Fraud Enforcement Trends and Compliance

August 22, 2012, at 12 to 1 pm


Health care providers, insurance companies and pharmaceutical and medical device companies face unprecedented risks of civil and criminal enforcement. The Justice Department’s Health Care Fraud initiative, which primarily focuses on Medicare and Medicaid fraud and Off-Label marketing cases, is one of the highest priorities of this Administration.

The Health Care initiative is the product of an unprecedented coordinated effort involving the Justice Department, Health and Human Services and other agencies. Together, they have developed a number of strategies to identify, investigate and prosecute health care fraud. The Health Care Prevention and Enforcement Action Team (“HEAT”), which was started in 2009 and recently expanded to additional cities, has been used to target health care providers and individuals to target fraud in the Medicare and Medicaid programs.

Since the government is focusing so heavily on health care fraud and abuse, health care providers and entities must take action to ensure they are in compliance with fraud and abuse laws.  Health care organizations need to dedicate adequate resources to the compliance function, prioritize training programs and encourage the prevention and deterrence of potential violations.

Join Michael Volkov and Michael Ruggio, Shareholders at LeClairRyan, for a webinar which examines the current enforcement trends in the health care industry and compliance program requirements and strategies for ensuring compliance with the myriad of health care laws and regulations. Mr. Volkov is a former federal prosecutor with almost 30 years’ experience in a variety of government positions and private practice. Mr. Ruggio has 30 years of experience and served at Senior Trial Counsel with the Justice Department in Washington, D.C. 


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