World Compliance Event in Miami, FL on November 1, 2012

World Compliance is holding an annual event on November 1, 2012, at Sofitel Hotel in Miami, Florida.  World Compliance is a sponsor of this blog and the leading open intelligence source business.

Please register here.


The annual event includes an impressive list of speakers, including:

1.  Dirk Mohrmann, CEO WorldCompliance

 2.  David Nanz, Supervisory Special Agent FBI Miami: “Trends in Financial Crime”

 3.  Dennis Lormel, President of DML Associates LLC investigative consultancy: “Think like a Criminal:  How to Launder Proceeds from Fraudulent Activity”

4.  Ana Maria De Alba, Principal at CSMB at CSMB AML consulting and forensic investigations: “Stand by your Clients but……Document your Decisions

5.  Anthony Alexis, Deputy Assistant Director for Regional Enforcement Litigation of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau: “The role of the CFPB, assessing the types of investigations and actions that are being brought against financial institutions”.

6.  Michael Volkov, shareholder in LeClair/Ryan’s Compliance, Investigations and White Collar Criminal Defense Practice Area team: “Turning the Screws: AML Enforcement and Compliance Update and Current Trends”.

Look forward to seeing you there!!!!


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