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Reminder: Webinar January 22, 12 Noon — The FCPA Guidance: How to Ensure an Effective Compliance Program

fcpaWhen: January 22, 2013, 12 Noon EST

Sign Up HERE

The Department of Justice and the Securities Enforcement Commission have issued important guidance on compliance with the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. The message to every business was clear — if you adopt and implement an “effective” compliance program, you will receive significant credit for your program which can reduce a penalty, avoid a corporate monitor, or even secure a declination — a free pass — for FCPA violations

Every company should spend the money and the time to make sure they have an “effective” compliance program. Recent surveys show that over half of US businesses are not spending sufficient funds to improve their compliance programs.

Join Michael Volkov and Carlos Ortiz from LeClairRyan’s Investigations, White Collar Defense and Compliance Group for a webinar at which they will discuss the required elements for an effective compliance program and discuss best practices for each element of a compliance program. Michael and Carlos have worked with numerous companies to design, improve and implement compliance programs. They have represented companies and individuals before the Department of Justice and the SEC and are very familiar with the government’s expectations for compliance.

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