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My New E-Book: The Revolution in Ethics and Compliance

Volkov_iPadScreenshotI am pleased to announce the release of my new e-book: The Revolution in Ethics and Compliance.  You can download the book for free from JD Supra here.

Versions are available in iBooks on any Mac device (iPad, iPhone or laptop) as well as in Kindle (on a Kindle device, or via Kindle app on iOS or Andriod.  If you want to read it on a Window-based PC, be sure you first have an eBook reader for PC.

Donna Boehme, an ethics and compliance leader, wrote the Foreword to my new book, and I am honored by her contribution.

As I wrote in my introduction, “My hope is that my contribution can lend some weight to an already significant revolution in corporate governance — the rise of the compliance professional and the dedication of corporate leaders and organizations to ethics and compliance.”

The e-book includes a collection of recent essays and blog posts aimed at encouraging corporate leaders to understand how a culture of compliance is not only the best  best protection against code of conduct and legal violations, but also how such a culture creates sustainable financial benefits to a company and its employees.

The Book Chapters include:

    • Embracing the Future – Ethics and Compliance
    • CCOs Take Note: It’s the Culture Stupid
    • Essential Requirements for an ‘Effective’ Ethics and Compliance Program
    • The Value of an Ethical Culture
    • Defining an Ethical Leader
    • Are Ethical Companies More Profitable

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1 Response

  1. Donna Boehme says:

    An excellent collection of commrntsry on The RisingCECOLiftsAllBoats! This is perfect timing as 2014 sa the empowered, independent w the se;f-destruction of the Compliance 1.0 model (Compliance as a captive arm of Legal) to be re[laced by Compliance 2.0=> empowered, independent, with seat at the table, line of sight and resources! AA new age for corporate governance! Well done. Michael!l