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Webinar: Antitrust Compliance Programs — July 15, 2015 12 Noon EST

antitrustWebinar: Antitrust Compliance Programs

Wednesday, July 15, 2015, 12 Noon EST

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The Justice Department’s Antitrust Division has an impressive record of criminal antitrust enforcement. Beginning in the 1990s and continuing to today, the Justice Department has developed with foreign enforcement agencies, a global cartel enforcement network that has successfully prosecuted global companies for illegal cartel conduct.

At the same time, the Justice Department’s Antitrust Division has resisted crediting companies for compliance programs. Recently, however, Antitrust Division officials have given statements concerning a policy change in this area.

Global companies should implement effective ethics and compliance programs to mitigate the risk of antitrust violations.

Join Michael Volkov, The Volkov Law Group, as he outlines how to design and implement an effective antitrust compliance program.

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