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Episode 183 — Review of DOJ’s Settlement with Deutsche Bank for FCPA and Spoofing Fraud Violations

Deutsche Bank, the infamous German bank connected to former President Trump, settled FCPA and fraud cases with the Justice Department and the SEC, and agreed to pay a total of $130 million.  

In this Episode, Michael Review reviews the Deutsche Bank settlement.

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4 Responses

  1. Dennis Myhre says:

    Mr. Volkov,

    I am not sure the connection you are trying to make between President Trump and the Deutsche Bank? Is Trump implicated in this scheme and settlement?



    • Pedro de la Torre says:

      This was my immediate thought as well. What does Trump have to do with the fraud and FCPA case?

  2. Ferris Bond says:


    Do you know if the settlement is going to go into the victim’s fund?