Two-Part Webinar: A Deep Dive into the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

Session 1
September 14, 2021, 12 Noon EST
Session 2
October 5, 2021, 12 Noon EST
Global companies continue to face aggressive FCPA enforcement risks. The Biden Administration has defined global anti-corruption as a national security threat and is in the process of leading a robust initiative to increase global enforcement. The FCPA is the global foundation for anti-corruption enforcement.
In this two-part webinar (September 14 and October 5, 2021), Michael Volkov will dig into important enforcement and compliance issues beyond a general understanding of FCPA anti-bribery, books and records and internal controls provisions. Specifically, the webinar series will examine: (1) DOJ and SEC enforcement trends; (2) board and management responsibilities for compliance and enforcement risks; ( 3) third-party relationships; (4) joint ventures; (5) gifts, meals and entertainment expenses; (6) financial controls; (7) charitable contributions; (8) books and records; (9) invoice to payment process; (10) risk assessments; (11) internal investigations; and (12) relationship with Justice Department, SEC and global enforcement agencies.
Session I and II will address different issues. A recording of each session will be made available via Volkov Law TV.