Two-Part Webinar: 2022 FCPA Enforcement and Compliance Year in Review (Part I); 2022 Sanctions Enforcement and Compliance Year in Review (Part II)

2022 FCPA Enforcement and Compliance

January 10, 2022

12 Noon EST

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FCPA: The Justice Department and the SEC continued to push FCPA enforcement with a new emphasis on aggressive enforcement resolutions, heightened compliance expectations and certification requirements designed to increase accountability. The Biden Administration promised a new, aggressive approach, and they are starting to deliver on that promise. While there were several important corporate FCPA enforcement actions, FCPA enforcement against individuals continued at a steady and aggressive pace.

2022 Sanctions Enforcement and Compliance Review

January 17, 2022

12 Noon EST

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Sanctions: In response to Russia’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine, sanctions and export controls regimes and enforcement became a top priority for the United States, its partners, allies and world community. The Justice Department and the Office of Foreign Asset Control ramped up their enforcement programs to cripple the Russian economy. At the same time, coordinated global sanctions enforcement became the primary focus. So far, the United States and the global partners have been successful in implementing a coordinated and comprehensive sanctions and export control regime. Aggressive enforcement of these sanctions continues to grow.  

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