The Volkov Law Group Celebrates Ten-Year Anniversary

The Volkov Law Group is honored to celebrate its ten-year anniversary. When we started in February 2013, we had no idea on the path our journey would take.
We look back with gratitude and forward with passion and optimism. We appreciate our clients with whom we have had the privilege to collaborate. In addition, we value our families, friends and colleagues with whom we have shared professional and personal experiences.
We feel passionate about ethics and compliance and the rise of the compliance profession. We continue to believe in the work we do and our mission. We look forward to continuing our work, our passion for excellence and the new adventures to come.
Looking back, it is important to acknowledge the path of our journey by remembering the words of Joseph Campbell from The Hero’s Journey.
You enter the forest
at the darkest point,
where there is no path.
Where there is a way or path,
it is someone else’s path.
You are not on your own path.
If you follow someone else’s way,
you are not going to realize
your potential.
Thank you again.
The Volkov Law Group