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Webinar — 2024 Ethics and Compliance Program Priorities and Trends

Webinar: 2024 Ethics and Compliance Priorities and Trends

February 6, 2024

12 Noon EST


Companies face a fast-changing enforcement and compliance environment. In the midst of this rapidly-evolving environment, companies have to prioritize compliance elements and mitigation strategies. 

The Justice Department with its regulatory partners are continuing to focus on anti-corruption, sanctions, export controls, antitrust, money laundering, cyber-security and fraud. 

At the same time, ethics and compliance program expectations are evolving as stakeholders demand more from their constituent organizations. To compound the current risk environment, companies are facing a new constellation of technology risks stretching from artificial intelligence, data analytics, data preservation, ephemeral messaging, and privacy.

In this webinar, Michael Volkov reviews current ethics and compliance trends and priority issues to focus on for the upcoming year.

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