Category: General

Talking with Your Feet – The CCO’s Ethical Dilemmas

Talking with Your Feet – The CCO’s Ethical Dilemmas

Chief compliance officers are optimistic and committed to “doing the right thing.” It is in their blood and may be at the core of their professional fabric. My guess is that there are far fewer CCOs who like to push the envelope than their legal counterparts. Some lawyers are capable of accepting certain levels of risk for defined benefits. CCOs are more risk averse. The...

Third-Party Risk Management – Part 2: Contract Termination

Third-Party Risk Management – Part 2: Contract Termination

Cristina Muehl’s second part of her series addresses third-party risk management relating to contract termination.  Cristina is a Senior Corporate Auditor at Delphi Corporation.  Her Linked In profile is here.  She can be reached at [email protected]. This second part of the series will take a look at the last phase in the lifecycle of third-party business relationship and that is contract termination. This is a...

Third-Party Risk Management – Part 1: Contract Extension

Third-Party Risk Management – Part 1: Contract Extension

I am pleased to welcome Cristina Muehl as a guest contributor.  Cristina has provided a two-part series on third-party risk management relating to contract extensions and contract termination.  Cristina is a Senior Corporate Auditor at Delphi Corporation.  Her Linked In profile is here.  She can be reached at [email protected]. Risk Management is a constant theme for top management as it might make the difference between...

When Diligence is Not Given its “Due”

When Diligence is Not Given its “Due”

I find myself quibbling with compliance terms – hyper focus on small issues is not a positive trait. I often urge clients and colleagues to focus on issue of more significance and leave the smaller ones for another day. Hence, my recent criticism over “due diligence” policies and procedures for third party intermediaries. A more appropriate title is “risk management.” A due diligence inquiry of...

The Risk of a Cooperating Witness Left Out in the Cold

The Risk of a Cooperating Witness Left Out in the Cold

Last week, the Justice Department reported a guilty plea in the VW emissions scandal prosecution. By this one announcement, DOJ signaled that it is planning to build a bigger case against VW. Ironically, the Justice Department has exceeded the number of guilty pleas and cooperating witnesses in many of its high profile FCPA and AML/Sanctions cases. A senior VW engineer entered a guilty plea to...

For An Effective Ethics and Compliance Program — First, Train Your Board and Senior Executives

Compliance professionals are familiar with the phrase “tone at the top,” but what exactly does it mean? Unlike other compliance program components, it cannot be easily formalized and implemented in a policy or procedure. Yet tone at the top is critical to building a culture of compliance – employees and managers do not live in a vacuum, they will reflect the importance of ethical business...

The Costs of Corruption

We always hear about the macroeconomic impact of corruption. Using large figures in the billions and even trillions (5 percent of global GDP) and painting catastrophic pictures of societal harm, anti-corruption advocates paint a terrifying picture of global, regional and specific country harm. These figures are fairly well established between world and regional development banks and provide ample motivation to join the fight against corruption....

Customer Due Diligence in the Post-Panama Papers Era

Sometimes it takes a scandal to advance a policy or law enforcement cause. The Panama Papers scandal has given new life to financial regulators around the world who seek to impose customer due diligence requirements on banks and other key players in the financial industry. Knowing Your Customer is not only a basic requirement but is fast becoming a potential enforcement nightmare. In this era,...

Lessons Learned from AstraZeneca’s $5.5 Million SEC FCPA Settlement

Last week, the SEC added another pharmaceutical company to its list of FCPA violators when AstraZeneca agreed to a $5.5 million settlement with the SEC. AZ is now the 25th drug or medical device company to pay an FCPA penalty for violating the FCPA. AZ’s violations were not limited to China as a number of recent FCPA enforcement actions against drug/medical device companies, but included...

Joanna Belbey, Forbes Magazine Interview: Crime and Social Media — Law Enforcement is Watching

Joanna Belbey, who maintains a regular column on Forbes Magazine, interviewed me on the subject of social media, criminal activity and law enforcement. Here is the link to the article:  Crime and Social Media: Law Enforcement is Watching.   Joanna is the Social Media and Compliance Specialist at Actiance, Inc.  Follow her @belbey.  She is a leading expert on the intersection of social media and...