Category: Podcasts

Episode 43 — Global Compliance Program Design and Challenges

Episode 43 — Global Compliance Program Design and Challenges

Global companies face serious challenges in the design and implementation of compliance programs to meet increasing risks in emerging markets.  As global companies grow, so do compliance programs. The specific design and structure of a global compliance programs presents numerous challenges requiring balancing of various factors, including consistency across the organization, economies of scale and scope, and flexibility to meet local needs and concerns.  In...

Episode 42 — How to Manage Your CEO on Compliance Issues

Episode 42 — How to Manage Your CEO on Compliance Issues

An increasing number of chief compliance officers report directly on a monthly basis to the Chief Executive Officer.  As the compliance profession has earned independence and empowerment, CCOs are now part of the C-Suite and need to develop a positive relationship with the CEO to support the company’s ethics and compliance program. In doing so, CCOs need to ask themselves two important questions: (1) what...

Episode 41 — Compliance and Technology

Episode 41 — Compliance and Technology

Compliance professionals are learning about new technologies that are quickly evolving to aid the compliance function.  We hear regularly about the promise of artificial intelligence and block chain technology.  These new developments will have a significant impact on compliance.  But for now there are other areas where technology can help compliance programs today, including automation, data collection and analytics and monitoring capabilities. In this episode,...

Episode 40 — How to Conduct a Corporate Culture Assessment

Episode 40 — How to Conduct a Corporate Culture Assessment

Research has consistently demonstrated that an ethical corporate culture results in increased profits and sustainable growth.  Companies with a positive culture have lower rates of employee misconduct, increased employee productivity, and lower employee turnover.  All of these factors lead to higher growth rates, improved employee morale, and a reduced risk of misconduct and government investigation. This basic premise holds true: when ethical values are embedded in a company’s...

Episode 39 — Tom Fox’s New Book — The Complete Compliance Handbook

Tom Fox is a thought leader for the ethics and compliance profession.  He is a prolific writer who has produced a steady body of work — podcasts, books, blogs, articles — to advance the compliance function.  He is knowledgeable, practical and insightful on how to implement and maintain an effective compliance program. Tom has just released a new and important book — The Complete Compliance Handbook. ...

Episode 38 — Update on Special Counsel Mueller’s Russia Investigation and the Michael Cohen Investigation

Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation of possible connections between the Trump campaign and Russia has been dominating the country’s attention.  in recent weeks, the US Attorney’s separate investigation of Michael Cohen’s activities has been gaining attention as well.  These two significant investigations are moving at a rapid pace with new developments each day. Michael Volkov discusses these investigations and provides his insights as a former prosecutor...

Episode 37 — Ethics and Compliance Trends from Recent Surveys and Studies

Two recent ethics and compliance surveys and studies provide important information on ethics and compliance program trends.  The first is LRN’s 2018 Ethics and Compliance Program Effectiveness Report.  The second is the Ethics and Compliance Initiative Global Business Ethics Survey. In this episode, Michael Volkov reviews the two surveys and studies and the implications for ethics and compliance program practitioners.

Episode 36 – How to Respond to a Government Investigation

Episode 36 – How to Respond to a Government Investigation

When a company learns that the government is investigating the company’s activities, a company has to move quickly to respond to the government and engage prosecutors about the investigation.  Depending on how the company learns about the government investigation, the company’s strategy and immediate steps may differ. Once the company learns it is under investigation, the company has to collect information about the activity and business...

Episode 35 –Update on AML Compliance from Recent AML Enforcement Actions

Episode 35 –Update on AML Compliance from Recent AML Enforcement Actions

In the early part of 2018, the Justice Department brought two significant AML criminal enforcement actions against US Bancorp and Rabobank, respectively. These two cases, coupled with the new beneficial ownership regulations effective May 11, 2018, raise significant changes in the AML compliance and enforcement landscape.  In addition, the SEC and FINRA brought AML enforcement actions against Aegis Corporation and three individuals, two of whom were...

Episode 34 — The Cohen Criminal Investigation and Search Warrants

Episode 34 — The Cohen Criminal Investigation and Search Warrants

On August 9, 2018, FBI agents executed search warrants at Michael Cohen’s office, hotel, residence, safety deposit box and electronic devices.  Since then, we learned that the US Attorney’s Office in New York City have an ongoing criminal investigation against Michael Cohen.  The full scope of this investigation has yet to be disclosed but it is clear that Cohen will face significant and serious charges....