Category: Podcasts

Episode 330 – Halyna Senyk on Anti-Corruption Progress in Ukraine

Halyna Senyk, a Senior Program advisor from the CEELI Institute, joins us to discuss anti-corruption progress and challenges in the Ukraine.  Halyna is responsible for managing the CEELI Institute’s anti-corruption portfolio.  Based in Prague, the CEELI Institute focuses on promoting the rule of law through professional training programs for judges, law enforcement, lawyers, prosecutors, civil society representatives and investigative journalists. While its main activities are...

Episode 329 — Bryn Sedlacek from Aravo on TPRM Holistic Risks and Unitary Visibility

Bryn Sedlacek, Vice President, Product Management at Aravo, joins us on the podcast to discuss third-party risk management with a focus on holistic risks and unitary visibility. In a wide-ranging discussion, Mike Volkov and Bryn Sedlacek discuss the challenges in implementing a third-party risk management program that captures holistic risks and maintains a consistent, unified line of sight across the organization’s risk profile. As part...

Episode 328 — Sanctions Enforcement and Red Lines

In this new era of aggressive sanctions enforcement, companies have to understand the red lines that define where criminal and civil enforcement risk increase.  In contrast to the history of FCPA enforcement, DOJ and OFAC have provided helpful guidance to alert companies where risks are likely to increase. Sanctions enforcement involves an off mix of civil and criminal line drawing.  On the civil side, OFAC...

Episode 327 — Another Look at Corporate Culture

LRN has issued another important report — in its latest report, The 2024 Benchmark of Ethical Culture Report, LRN has focused on the critical issue of corporate culture.  LRN is a pacesetter and the leader in reliable studies on complex ethics and compliance issues.  If not properly promoted or maintained, a defective culture can lead to serious misconduct, government investigation, reputational damage and collateral harm. ...

Episode 326 — Dottie Schindlinger on Diligent’s Report on Board Oversight of Cybersecurity

Diligent recently released an important report — Cybersecurity, audit, and the board: How does board oversight impact cybersecurity performance? Diligent’s Report includes several key findings on the importance of Board oversight and its importance to cybersecurity performance. Dottie Schindlinger, Executive Director of Diligent Institute, the global corporate governance research arm of Diligent – joins us to discuss the report and its key findings.

Episode 325 — AI Risk and Compliance Frameworks

The new compliance cottage industry surrounds artificial intelligence.  We are at such an early stage of AI development — companies are still figuring out how they can employ the technology.  Some industries, such as financial institutions, however, have been using AI for fraud detection and other issues.  I expect financial institutions will set the tone for much of compliance practices around AI. There is no...

Episode 324 — Third-Party Risks and Sanctions Compliance

With the beginning of the era of the “New FCPA,” as coined by DOJ’s Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco, we now need to focus on third-party risk and sanctions enforcement.  The law, the practice and the risks are important and not just the same as FCPA legal requirements.  As we embark on a new criminal enforcement era surrounding sanctions violations, companies have to address this...

Episode 323 — Carlos Villagran Discusses Rebuilding a Corporate Culture After a Crisis

Carlos Villagrán is the Director of Compliance at CMPC, a 100 years’ old Chilean-based holding company, one of the worldwide leading manufacturers of pulp, paper, packaging, personal care and other forest products. Carlos discusses the challenges he faced in joining CMPC after a significant crisis — CMPC’s prosecution for antitrust cartel violations in Chile and Peru. With more than 20,000 employees, CMPC has industrial operations...

Episode 322 — Checking in on the Caremark Cases

Over the last ten years, we have seen a marked shift from the Delaware Chancery Court chipping away at corporate board member liability claims. In a number of seminal cases involving Boeing airplane crashes (In re the Boeing Co. Derivative Litig., No. 2019-0907 (Del. Ch. Sept 7, 2021)), and deadly listeria outbreaks from tainted ice cream (Marchand v. Barnhill, 212 A.3d 805 (Del. 2019)), Delaware...

Episode 321 — Review of the EU Whistleblowing Directive wih Alex Cotoia and Daniela Melendez

Directive 2019/1937 of the European Parliament and Council dated 23 October 2019 on the “protection of persons who report breaches of Union law” (the “Directive”) is currently being implemented by EU Member States. The directive has broad applicability to organizations operating in the EU internal market and applies to both public and private sector organizations alike. Whistleblowers are guaranteed legal protection to the extent: (1)...