Featured Articles:

ISO 37001: The Good, The Bad and the Ugly (Part II of V)

ISO 37001: The Good, The Bad and the Ugly (Part II of V)

In Part II of my continuing series, I identify in broad strokes some of the more significant positive and negative aspects of ISO 37001. While it is easy to second-guess the ISO 37001 authors, there are some interesting issues that are addressed and some missed opportunities to advance ethics and compliance systems. On the positive side, ISO 37001 is keyed to a valuable concept of...

A Closer Look at ISO37001 – Something Old or Something New? (Part I of V)

A Closer Look at ISO37001 – Something Old or Something New? (Part I of V)

The release of ISO 37001 has triggered an important discussion among legal and compliance professionals. In a five-part series, I plan to address the value of ISO 37001, provide a substantive analysis, and to evaluate the contribution ISO 37001 has made (or will make) in the compliance field. First, I recommend that everyone spend time studying ISO 37001. It is a mistake to write off...

Podcast Episode 6 — ISO 37001 — Anti-Bribery Risk Management System: Something Old or Something New?

Podcast Episode 6 — ISO 37001 — Anti-Bribery Risk Management System: Something Old or Something New?

Podcast Episode 6 examines ISO 37001 — Anti-Bribery Risk Management System.  Please sign up HERE for our free webinar on ISO 37001 scheduled for October 24, 2017 at 12 Noon EST. The ISO 37001anti-bribery risk management system was issued in 2016.  The standard provides additional guidance on anti-bribery risk management systems and creates a certification process for organizations. Even after one year, there are still...

Webinar:  ISO 37001 — A Review of the Anti-Bribery Risk Management System

Webinar: ISO 37001 — A Review of the Anti-Bribery Risk Management System

Webinar: ISO 37001 — A Review of the Anti-bribery Risk Management System October 24, 2017, 12 Noon EST SIGN UP HERE The new ISO 37001 anti-bribery risk management system was issued almost one year ago. The standard provides additional guidance on anti-bribery risk management systems and creates a certification process for organizations. Even after one year, there are still questions surrounding the value of ISO...

Lawyers Can Be A Positive Force for Compliance

Lawyers Can Be A Positive Force for Compliance

Lawyers get a bad rap, and I am not just referring to all the lawyer jokes we have heard numerous times. Lawyers get a bad rap when it comes to compliance. Much of it is not deserved – but candidly, some of it is deserved. For some reason, Chief Legal Officers have difficult accepting the empowered role of a Chief Compliance Officer. This is not...

In Defense of Compliance Checklists

In Defense of Compliance Checklists

Compliance officers have to avoid complicating a compliance program. As in many areas in life, there is a value in simplicity. Take for example a compliance training presentation. If a compliance officer overwhelms his/her audience with legal mumbo jumbo, you can rest assured that no one will retain anything and the training program will not be very successful. On the other hand, if a compliance...

The Importance of A Robust Conflicts of Interest Program

The Importance of A Robust Conflicts of Interest Program

It is always interesting to learn how companies handle specific compliance issues. Years ago, I could always tell when a compliance department was lacking in stature and independence in a company. Typically, I observed three important indicators – a compliance department that was stuck in the legal department reporting to the general counsel; mired in detailed gifts, meals and entertainment reviews and approvals; and devoted...

Podcast Episode 5 — Interview of Tom Fox

Corruption, Crime & Compliance is pleased to welcome Tom Fox, the Compliance Evangelist, for an interesting interview on Tom’s career, his vast compliance program and writing network, and his interesting perspectives on the compliance profession.

Volkov Law Group Sponsors Tom Fox’s One Month to More Effective Compliance for Business Ventures

I am pleased to announce that my law firm, The Volkov Law Group, is sponsoring Tom Fox’s October Podcast Series — One Month to More Effective Compliance for Business Ventures. Tom Fox’s Podcast Series will focus on compliance issues in mergers and acquisition, joint venture agreements, distributorships, franchises and other forms of business relationships. Here are links to the first three episodes: Day 1 —...

ArthroCare CEO Reconvicted for Fraud

ArthroCare CEO Reconvicted for Fraud

The healthcare industry continues to be a frequent target for criminal prosecutions. More importantly, federal prosecutors are ready, willing and able to bring criminal cases against C-Suite actors involved in healthcare fraud cases. Sometimes prosecutors win their cases, and sometimes they lose. That is just the nature of the beast. ArthroCare stands as yet another example of the destruction of a company resulting from C-Suite...