Featured Articles:

Webinar: Improving Your Internal Investigation Program

Webinar: Improving Your Internal Investigation November 29, 2016, 12 Noon EST Sign Up HERE Companies have to design and implement effective internal investigation programs in order to detect and prevent wrongdoing.  Recent FCPA enforcement actions have highlighted company failures to conduct effective internal investigations, suggesting that prior company investigations were inadequate. Companies have to commit to rooting out potential misconduct and ensuring that the company...

Super Moon Coincides with Low Tide for Hatch-Waxman Patent Disputes

Jacqui Merrill, an Associate at The Volkov Law Group, joins us again for a posting on Hatch-Waxman and antitrust risks. Jacqui can be reached at [email protected]. This week, the U.S. Supreme Court denied a petition for writ of certiorari in a case that will give pharmaceutical companies pause when considering whether to settle patent challenges under Hatch-Waxman.  The Supreme Court’s action let stand a Third...

Do You Know and Understand Your Compliance Policies?

My question appears to be fairly obvious, right? This is not a question or a quiz of every chief compliance officer. Rather, this is a question for everyone but the CCO and compliance and legal staff. Think about it. Does your board, your CEO, your senior executives know and understand your compliance policies? If asked by someone, can they provide meaningful guidance or even get...

Infusing Your Compliance Program with Business Ethics

It is important to remember that companies are required to implement an ethics and compliance program. Ethics should not ever be a segregated issue carved off from a compliance program. They walk hand-in-hand, and reinforce each other at every step of the mission. This is an important point and easily ignored. Compliance professionals often appoint a Chief Ethics Officer, separate from a Chief Compliance Officer,...

When Tone at the Top Is Missing

We all tend to gloss over a critical requirement for an effective ethics and compliance program – tone-at-the-top. I hate to be dogmatic about the issue but, as Mel Brooks said in the Curb Your Enthusiasm (Season 4, Episode 1), “You either got it or you ain’t.” The same is true for the board, CEO and senior executive commitment to ethics and compliance. Every Chief...

A New Administration: A New FCPA Enforcement Regime?

Now that the dust has settled on this turbulent campaign season, everyone is in the prediction game, especially when it comes to FCPA enforcement. It is easy to make predictions of significant change. It is easy to take campaign rhetoric and assume that such rhetoric will result in quick and immediate change. As a veteran of transfers of power (being an old D.C. lawyer), I...

Watch Recorded Webinar — How to Tailor Training to Your Company’s Risk Profile

I was honored to participate in a webinar yesterday with Farzad Barkhordari, President of Workplace Answers, in a webinar on how to tailore your training to your company’s risk profile.  YTou can watch teh recording HERE. When building a compliance program, you need to focus on your organization’s specific risks. To do that effectively, you’ll need a method for identifying your relevant risks, as well...

New Podcast — Everything Compliance

I am honored to participate in a new compliance podcast, started by Tom Fox, the  Compliance Guru, and including myself, Matt Kelly, Jonathan Armstrong and Jay Rosen.  We recorded our first episode at the SCCE;s annual meeting in Chicago.  With Tom’s leadership, we have decided to begin a regular series. Here is a link to our first episode — HERE. Thanks to Tom, Jay, Matt...

Rescheduled Webinar: Rising Government Expectations for Compliance Programs

Rescheduled Webinar: Rising Government Expectations for Compliance Programs   November 18, 2016, 12 PM EST Register HERE I apologize for postponing and rescheduling this webinar.   The Justice Department has made it clear that companies have to design and implement effective compliance programs.  Recent enforcement actions have highlighted weaknesses in corporate compliance programs.  The Justice Department and the SEC have focused on weaknesses in due diligence,...

Due Diligence Basics – Beneficial Ownership

I hate to be the harbinger of bad news; that is against my nature; I am naturally an optimistic person. As I always say, there are solutions to every problem. Many companies have responded to third party risks and built effective risk management programs. It is perhaps one of the most significant changes in the compliance landscape – third parties create significant risks and companies...