Featured Articles:

CCOs Need a Seat at the Table

CCOs Need a Seat at the Table

Chief Compliance Officers are moving up  the corporate ladder. They are being separated out of the legal function and empowered to exercise greater authority in the company. Research already has shown that this structure makes a company’s ethics and compliance program more effective. The next challenge facing CCOs is to ensure that they have a seat at the Business Table – not just a chair...

Upcoming Webinars:  Basic FCPA Training and Creating a Culture of Ethics

Upcoming Webinars: Basic FCPA Training and Creating a Culture of Ethics

1.  Basic FCPA Compliance Training Tuesday, July 15, 2014, 12 Noon EST Sign Up Here   2.  Building a Culture of Ethics Tuesday, July 29, 2014, 12 Noon EST Sign Up Here The Volkov Law Group is offering two webinars for the rest of July 2014. The first webinar, on July 15, 2014, provides a basic FCPA training program. A number of webinar attendees have...

Healthcare Ethics and Compliance Program Requirements

Healthcare Ethics and Compliance Program Requirements

The Affordable Care Act included a mandate that medical service providers and suppliers enact compliance programs as a condition of participating in federal health care programs. (The ACA also set a deadline of March 23, 2013, for skilled nursing facilities and nursing facilities to implement a compliance program). The ACA requires HHS and the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) to establish core elements for...

BNP: A Window Into A Systemic Compliance Breakdown

BNP: A Window Into A Systemic Compliance Breakdown

BNP Paribas’ recent settlement of nearly $9 billion for violating US Sanctions against Sudan, Iran and other countries is another important achievement for the US Attorney’s Office in the Southern District of New York and the Department of Justice. For other global financial institutions, the BNP settlement has to cause some anxiety. A number of other financial institutions engaged in similar conduct with regard to...

CCO Challenges in the Healthcare Industry

CCO Challenges in the Healthcare Industry

Chief Compliance Officers have a tough job. It does not matter what industry they are working in, CCOs face a myriad of challenges. The healthcare industry, however, has its own set of challenges. While there has been a “long” tradition (since the 1990s) of compliance in the healthcare industry, that has not translated into a robust commitment to elevating CCOs and ensuring they have access...

The Danger of Retaliating Against Whistleblowers

The Danger of Retaliating Against Whistleblowers

Every company claims that they encourage a “speak up” culture. As part of a “speak up” culture, companies encourage managers and employees to raise concerns about potential violations and promise not to retaliate against anyone who raises a concern. Some companies mean what they say and some do not. The SEC recently brought its first enforcement action against a company for retaliating against a whistleblower....

The Intractable Problem of Medicare Fraud

The Intractable Problem of Medicare Fraud

You have to admire the vigilance and dedication of prosecutors and law enforcement investigators who fight Medicare fraud. There is no question that they have ramped up enforcement and promoted a strong message of deterrence. Consider the nature of the problem. The FBI estimates that between five and ten percent of all healthcare expenditures (government and private) are fraudulent. Medicare suffers huge annual losses from...

CCOs Need To Adopt Their Own Code of Conduct

CCOs Need To Adopt Their Own Code of Conduct

As CCOs become a key player in the corporate governance world, ethics and compliance leaders are developing principles to be used by compliance pofessionals. It is a natural process that reflects the growing “professionalization” of the compliance profession. It would be helpful for compliance officers to develop their own code of conduct, i.e. a set of general principles to help guide compliance professionals in their...

Webinar:  Monitoring and Auditing Your Anti-Corruption Compliance Program

Webinar: Monitoring and Auditing Your Anti-Corruption Compliance Program

July 8, 2014, 12 Noon EST SIGN UP HERE Companies have designed and implemented anti-corruption compliance programs.  An important element of an effective compliance program is monitoring and auditing the program to identify issues for improvement. Working in collaboration with the Internal Auditor, Chief Compliance Officers have to rely on tailored monitoring and auditing procedures to identify issues for review to ensure improvement of a...

Someone Has to Deliver the Bad News: What to Learn From GM and Sophocles

Someone Has to Deliver the Bad News: What to Learn From GM and Sophocles

Lauren Connell, Managing Associate at The Volkov Law Group, joins us again for an interesting post on the GM scandal.  Lauren’s bio is here and she can be reached at [email protected]. 44 recalls. 13 deaths. 20 million vehicles. 9 years. 3 Congressional appearances. These five numbers tell a terrible and tragic story you probably recognize as the GM ignition switch recall debacle. This is a...