Featured Articles:

CCOs’ Destiny of Success or Failure

It is important to understand one’s limitations in life.  In the world of compliance, CCOs need to be realistic when they start a new job with a new company.  It also means that a CCO has to be honest with himself or herself. Every person knows deep down their strengths and weaknesses.  CCOs know this as well.  Some CCOs (and people) have a “can do”...

Risk Sampling: The Key to a Successful Audit and Monitoring Program

Companies are always trying to do more with less.  Senior executives will spend hours designing policies and programs to stretch dollars, resources and reduce costs. Committees are established for such research projects, consultants are brought in and solutions are reviewed and eventually implemented. Senior managers could reduce the time, the expense and angst involved in this process by just applying common sense.  Companies waste inordinate...

Volkov Law Group

The New Volkov Law Group Website

I am pleased to announce the launch of the new Volkov Law Group website (Here), Facebook Page (Here), Linked In Profile (Here) and You Tube Channel (Here). My practice has grown from largely a solo practice to a boutique practice, and currently includes three talented associates.  Our firm focuses on compliance, enforcement defense and internal investigations.     We have created a platform which will assist our...

Documentation as a Compliance Principle

My colleague Tom Fox is a fountain of wisdom on ethics and compliance issues.  If you know Tom and hear him speak, you know he has seen a lot of corporate compliance situations – good and bad.  With this perspective, it is always worth it to listen to Tom and heed his advice. Tom and I share a common perspective (or so I would like...

Human Trafficking Compliance

On September 26, 2013, the Federal Acquisition Regulatory (FAR) Council published proposed rules to implement new human trafficking compliance requirements on government contractors and subcontractors.  President Obama signed an Executive Order almost a year ago to eliminate human trafficking by government contractors and subcontractors.  Similar requirements were imposed on Defense Department contractors several months later when Congress enacted, and the President signed, the Defense Reauthorization...

Proactive Whistleblower Strategies

The recent announcement of SEC whistleblower awards is an important reminder on the need for companies to devote time and attention to proactive whistleblower policies and practices.  Every organization adopts the vanilla-language of responding to whistleblowers and prohibiting retaliation against whistleblowers. It takes guts for companies to move beyond these standard pronouncements and embrace proactive strategies for dealing with whistleblowers.  Interestingly, recent studies continue to...

Webinar: Anti-Kickback and Stark Law Update: Enforcement and Compliance Issues

Anti-Kickback and Stark Law Update: Enforcement and Compliance Issues November 6, 2013 12 Noon – 1 PM EST  Register: Here The Department of Justice and HHS-OIG continue their aggressive enforcement program using Anti-Kickback and Stark Law violations to target pharmaceutical and medical device companies, hospitals, physicians and other healthcare providers. Companies need to adopt proactive compliance strategies to minimize risk, identify issues, and protect their...

Webinar: Creating a Culture of Ethics and Compliance

Creating a Culture of Ethics and Compliance November 5, 2013 12 Noon – 1 PM EST Register: Here An effective compliance program requires a culture of ethics and compliance, including “tone-at-the-top.” A company’s culture is not easy to measure. Nonetheless, there are practical steps which can be implemented to collect and assess information about a company’s culture, including surveys, focus groups, and other procedures. Join...

Ignoring the Obvious: Facilitation Payments

Chief Compliance Officers have plenty of issues to focus on when it comes to anti-corruption compliance.  If you rank the risks, facilitation payments are not at the top of the list, especially if you have sales staff and third-party agents who regularly interact with foreign officials for business.  Even gifts, meals, entertainment and travel eclipses facilitation payments on the compliance radar screen. Part of the...

Compliance Reminders, Notices and Certifications

After the Department of Justice announced its declination of the Morgan Stanley case, the FCPA Paparazzi littered the Internet with recommendations of steps to take modeled on Morgan Stanley’s compliance program.  Companies embraced these principles and emulated Morgan Stanley’s compliance program.  Everyone wanted to have a “Morgan Stanley” compliance program. I do not mean to burst the FCPA Paparazzi’s balloons but the facts of Morgan...