Featured Articles:

The Tiger Woods Controversy and Compliance Lessons

The Tiger Woods Controversy and Compliance Lessons

We have a guest post today from Jim Boeckman, focusing on compliance lessons from the recent Tiger Woods rule controversy.  Jim is a business lawyer in Austin, Texas, who works with small and mid-sized companies, and can be reached at [email protected]. With the 113th U.S. Open at the historic Merion Golf Club close at hand, I thought it might be interesting for those who are...

2013 RAND Corporation Symposium: Culture, Compliance and the C-Suite

2013 RAND Corporation Symposium: Culture, Compliance and the C-Suite

I had the honor of participating in a recent Rand Symposium which was organized by Dr. Michael Greenberg, RAND Corporation, Director, Center for Corporate Ethics and Governance (profile here), and Donna Boehme, Principal, Compliance Strategists LLC (profile here), and brought together a brilliant cross-section of experts, including corporate directors, general counsel, chief compliance officers, and governance and compliance practitioners. The focus of this year’s RAND...

Broker-Dealers Cross Into FCPA Territory

Broker-Dealers Cross Into FCPA Territory

The recent prosecution of two registered broker-dealers and a Venezuelan government official for FCPA violations underscores a point I often make – nothing good ever happens when the government has a reason to look around in your business.  Whether it is to inspect for safety violations or any other regulatory regime, companies run the risk that the government will find something they do not like...

Russia and Corruption: Don Quixote or Elliot Ness? (Part II of II)

Russia and Corruption: Don Quixote or Elliot Ness? (Part II of II)

With the political forces aligned to fight corruption, Russia may be finally making a serious and sincere effort to address corruption in Russian society.  Do not get me wrong – Russia has a long way to go and there are a lot of cracks in the system. Corruption will always be an issue which Russia fights.  In the absence of an independent judiciary and media,...

Russia and Corruption: Moving Forward, Backwards or Side-Stepping (Part I of II)

Russia and Corruption: Moving Forward, Backwards or Side-Stepping (Part I of II)

My heritage is Russian; I know how Russians think and what makes them tick.  Like its literary history, Russians are complex.  If you try to generalize, or underestimate them, they will make mincemeat out of you.  Businesses which are interested in entering Russia face a difficult environment, with huge upside potential and equal amounts of risks. The political atmosphere in Russia is shifting.  Politics surrounding...

Webinar: How to Solve Difficult FCPA Compliance Issues

Webinar: How to Solve Difficult FCPA Compliance Issues

June 4, 2013, 12 Noon -1 PM EST Register Here Global companies wrestle with FCPA compliance issues every day. In today’s aggressive enforcement environment, compliance and legal staff have to develop innovative solutions to ensure compliance and promote business interests. In this complex compliance world, there are important principles which can be applied to solve difficult compliance problems. Join Michael Volkov, CEO of The Volkov...

The Jodi Arias Trial: Justice Run Amok

The Jodi Arias Trial: Justice Run Amok

Forgive me, as a former federal prosecutor for 17 years, it is hard to watch the Jodi Arias trial, not because she is guilty and deserves the death penalty but because of the incredibly poor performance by Judge Sherry Stephens.  The trial has become a circus, and spun even more wildly out of control during jury deliberations. Judge Stephens is a judge who has no...

Conducting Audits: Financial and Compliance Teams

Conducting Audits: Financial and Compliance Teams

Companies with existing compliance programs are starting to focus on the importance of monitoring, auditing and improving their compliance programs.  The Sentencing Guidelines and the FCPA Guidance both emphasize the importance of transforming a compliance program from a “paper” program to an “evolving” compliance program. A paper program is defined as policies and procedures with little assurance that the company is following the program, and...

Abuse of Government Power — The IRS Targets Political Groups

Abuse of Government Power — The IRS Targets Political Groups

Just to show my age and my fascination with history – the recent flap over the IRS targeting of Tea Party-affiliated groups reminds everyone in my age bracket (and above) of the legendary Nixon(ian) scandals during the Watergate era. Since I have practiced law in DC all my life, I can be a little cynical.  The current IRS scandal is horrible – and certainly, the...

HIPAA Enforcement:  Unleashing the Dogs

HIPAA Enforcement: Unleashing the Dogs

Prosecutors are a fun bunch and they love their jobs and their mission – to prosecute law-breakers for violating the law.  Prosecutors especially enjoy when they are charged with increasing enforcement of a specific law and watching the reaction of the industry to their prosecutorial impact. HIPAA enforcement is a perfect example of this principle.  HIPAA has been on the books for nearly 20 years,...