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FCPA Jurisidiction Over Foreign Entities

FCPA Jurisidiction Over Foreign Entities

The FCPA has broad international application.  That does not mean that the United States has authority over every individual on the planet Earth.  In order to establish jurisdiction over a foreign agent of a U.S. company or non-U.S. issuer, a foreign entity must commit an act in furtherance of an FCPA violation “while in the territory of the United States.”  15 U.S.C. § 78dd-3.  The...

FCPA Violations and Collateral Litigation

FCPA Violations and Collateral Litigation

The fear factor for FCPA enforcement is a criminal case brought by the Justice Department and a parallel civil case brought by the SEC.   In the last few years, collateral litigation filed by shareholders has increased against companies who are alleged to have violated the FCPA.  The FCPA does not explicitly create a private right of action against companies.  That has not stopped plaintiffs’ bar...

The FCPA and Wiretaps

The FCPA and Wiretaps

The idea of wiretaps in corporate board rooms sends shivers down every director’s  spine.  It should.  The Justice Department no longer views white collar crime as different than organized crime, gangs or drug trafficking.  What that means from a practical standpoint is that federal agents are using the same investigative tactics as they have historically used against organized crime and drug traffickers.   For companies...

FCPA Predictions for 2012

FCPA Predictions for 2012

As part of my New Year’s celebration, I thought it would be good to outline some predictions for FCPA events and trends in 2012.  The Justice Department’s FCPA enforcement program will continue.  The business community will complain about DOJ’s policies.  There will be no significant changes in enforcement priorities or in the operation of the voluntary disclosure procedure (which needs to be reviewed and reformed). ...

Internal Controls and Foreign Subsidiaries — How to Protect Your Company

Internal Controls and Foreign Subsidiaries — How to Protect Your Company

Under the FCPA, public companies are required to maintain accurate books and records and an effective system of internal controls.   Enforcement and compliance efforts focus more on anti-bribery issues than books and records and internal controls.  If bribery occurs, a books and records violation will occur.  Books and records enforcement is always in hindsight and pegged to bribery conduct. The FCPA requires every issuer to...

Focused Risk Assessments

Focused Risk Assessments

The most common refrain in compliance parlance  is “tone-at-the-top.”  It may be overused.  Where the rubber meets the road for every compliance program is in the risk assessment.  Howard Sklar had a recent post on the subject emphasizing the importance of a continuous risk assessment.    He was right on point.  Building an effective risk assessment model and continuous review process is essential to overall compliance...

Avoiding Stovepipes and Embracing Efficiencies

Avoiding Stovepipes and Embracing Efficiencies

The hot selling topic these days is anti-corruption compliance.  All the usual buzzwords are floated around with anti-corruption compliance – risk assessments, financial controls, corporate integrity, training and communication and tone-at-the top.  The compliance community, however, is not doing its job.  They are focusing on too narrow a topic.  Compliance can and should address all the risks facing an organization.  As a starting point, the...

Global Retailers and Corruption Risks

Global Retailers and Corruption Risks

Let’s be honest.  Was anyone really surprised by the recent focus on anti-corruption compliance for global retail operations?  A number of us in the FCPA cottage industry have been commenting on the risks.  It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out why and how this came about.  The risks are very clear and one-by-one we will be hearing from the major global retailers...

"Materiality" and FCPA Disclosures

"Materiality" and FCPA Disclosures

When does a public company have to disclose a government investigation or inquiry of a potential FCPA violation? Like many other FCPA issues – there is no clear cut answer. We are back to Justice Potter Stewart’s solution – “I know it when I see it.” It seems that some companies have blinders on when it comes to resolving this issue. From what I can tell,...