Tagged: Corruption Crime and Compliance Podcast

Corruption, Crime & Compliance Podcast – Now on Spotify!

Corruption, Crime & Compliance Podcast – Now on Spotify!

As we continue our efforts to improve and grow our podcast, we have recently connected the Corruption, Crime & Compliance podcast feed to Spotify! You’ll now be able to listen to all of the latest episodes right from the Spotify app. Please click here to access our Spotify page. Be sure to listen to our latest episode on how to implement an effective and reliable...

Episode 11 — Seven Individuals Charged with FCPA Criminal Violations

Episode 11 — Seven Individuals Charged with FCPA Criminal Violations

In a watershed week for FCPA enforcement, the US Department of Justice announced FCPA criminal charges against seven individuals.  Specifically, the Justice Department announced four guilty pleas and one indictment as follow on prosecutions to the January 2017 Rolls Royce FCPA enforcement action, and two guilty pleas in a yet to be announced enforcement action against SBM Offshore. The Justice Department’s unprecedented week underscored that...

Podcast 3 — The Latest FCPA Undercover Sting — John Baptiste Case

Recently, the Justice Department announced the arrest of John Baptiste as part of an ongoing investigation into corruption in Haiti.  The arrest warrant affidavit outlines an undercover investigation, including Title III wiretaps of John Baptiste’s cellphone. In this podcast, Michael Volkov reviews the investigation of Baptiste, culminating in the arrest of Baptiste on August 28, 2017. A copy of the arrest warrant affidavit is here.