Tagged: Delaware Chancery Court

Episode 322 — Checking in on the Caremark Cases

Episode 322 — Checking in on the Caremark Cases

Over the last ten years, we have seen a marked shift from the Delaware Chancery Court chipping away at corporate board member liability claims. In a number of seminal cases involving Boeing airplane crashes (In re the Boeing Co. Derivative Litig., No. 2019-0907 (Del. Ch. Sept 7, 2021)), and deadly listeria outbreaks from tainted ice cream (Marchand v. Barnhill, 212 A.3d 805 (Del. 2019)), Delaware...

A Tale of Two Boeing Boards — The Disparate Conclusions of the Justice Department and the Delaware Chancery Court (Part I of IV)

“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”― Albert Einstein “Reality leaves a lot to the imagination.”― John Lennon We often hear about how perspective can influence conclusions. It is rare, however, when it comes to investigations, legal proceedings, and litigation for two separate but important fact finders to reach polar opposite conclusions. When I reviewed again the US Department of Justice’s conclusions reached as...

Delaware Court Rejects Motion to Dismiss Lawsuit Against Boeing Board Members for Failure to Conduct Proper Compliance Oversight (Part III of III)

Delaware Court Rejects Motion to Dismiss Lawsuit Against Boeing Board Members for Failure to Conduct Proper Compliance Oversight (Part III of III)

The Delaware Chancery Court is continuing its trend of permitting Caremark claims against corporate board members who fail to exercise proper oversight and monitoring of compliance programs.  The Delaware Court’s latest decision involving the Boeing board and its failure to conduct proper oversight of the 737 MAX safety scandal is yet another example.  At bottom, the Chancery Court is raising the stakes on board member...