Tagged: due diligence and third-party risk management

Episode 235 — Third-Party Risk Management

The global economy has suffered two significant shocks — first, the pandemic sent shockwaves through every organization, and second, the war in Ukraine. Both of these events exposed the importance of risk management, especially with regard to supply chain and distribution operations. Hence, the renewed focus on third-party risk management and the repetitive description of “holistic” third-party risk management.  Reality has a way of forcing change and...

Episode 99 — When to Conduct Enhanced Anti-Corruption Due Diligence

Episode 99 — When to Conduct Enhanced Anti-Corruption Due Diligence

Companies face significant challenges in managing their third party risk programs.  As companies improve their systems and automate their programs, they continue to face difficult situations in deciding when to conduct enhanced due diligence reviews of a potential third-party.  DOJ and the SEC have provided extensive guidance in the third-party risk area, but companies have to develop and implement their own approach to deciding when...

Three Important Points to Remember About Third-Party Risks

If you want to learn and read about managing third-party risks, you will have no trouble finding articles, white papers, webinars and more available to you on the Internet.  And for good reason. Third-parties create significant risks, and these risks are not just limited to bribery but extend into sanctions, money laundering, privacy and cybersecurity, human trafficking, child labor and reputational damage.  The compliance marketplace...

Retaining a “Risky” Third-Party

Every company has done it. Chief Compliance Officers have had to hold their respective noses and push forward with due diligence to retain a risky third party. Rather than reject the third party, a CCO convinces him or herself that the company can mitigate the risks by contract representations and warranties, annual certifications, and a plan to monitor and audit the third party in the...

Trends from 2016 Record FCPA Enforcement Year (Part II of III)

No matter how you cut it – this was a big year in FCPA enforcement. Not just because of the large enforcement actions but the scope and depth of enforcement, remediation and compliance program demands. We are witnessing a significant turning point in FCPA enforcement in which the Justice Department and the SEC are slowly but surely pushing companies to embrace a more robust ethics...