Tagged: effective ethics and compliance

DOJ Rolls Out Voluntary Disclosure Program for US Attorneys’ Offices

DOJ Rolls Out Voluntary Disclosure Program for US Attorneys’ Offices

The Justice Department is on a marketing campaign – pushing a simple message.  If your company commits misconduct, come in and confess to the Justice Department.  To push this message, DOJ has tinkered with its Corporate Enforcement Policy, and bent over backwards to encourage, cajole and persuade companies to come in and confess to misconduct. The Justice Department consists of various components and, unless you...

2022 Ethics and Compliance Predictions

2022 Ethics and Compliance Predictions

Choose to be optimistic. It feels better.” – Dalai Lama Forgive me for my optimism.  It is the only way to live a meaningful life.  Or as some would say – being a pessimist is too much of a burden.  We begin a New Year — and I am optimistic. To turn the corner here on relevance, ethics and compliance professionals, are by definition, optimists. Give...

Episode 71 — 2019 Ethics and Compliance Predictions and Trends

In 2018, ethics and compliance professionals continued to innovate and push for compliance program enhancements. In response to growing demand, compliance industry vendors helped to implement new and innovative tools for use in compliance programs. In this episode, Michael Volkov reviews ethics and compliance trends and developments during 2018 and outlines predictions for the upcoming year.

Pushing Ethics and Compliance Programs in the New FCPA Corporate Enforcement Policy

Pushing Ethics and Compliance Programs in the New FCPA Corporate Enforcement Policy

The Justice Department’s aggressive enforcement program, particularly in the FCPA arena, has been the primary impetus to the growth and empowerment of the corporate compliance function.  The Justice Department and SEC’s FCPA Guidance, and the specific Hallmarks of an Effective Compliance and Ethics Program is the most definitive statement on compliance expectations ever released by US prosecutors.  Since 2012, the Justice Department has built on...

Unpacking the Justice Department’s Compliance Remediation Standards (Part I of II)

Unpacking the Justice Department’s Compliance Remediation Standards (Part I of II)

The Justice Department has a lot to be proud about when it comes to its FCPA enforcement program. In one area in particular – promoting effective ethics and compliance strategies – DOJ’s FCPA prosecutors have played a leadership role in promoting ethics and compliance programs. When reviewing the history of compliance, most practitioners point to the impact of the Sentencing Guidelines as the most significant...

Lessons Learned and Compliance Trends from the VW and Takata Scandals (Part III of III)

Lessons Learned and Compliance Trends from the VW and Takata Scandals (Part III of III)

When unraveling a major corporate scandal, especially multi-year schemes involving senior executives, the blame game or lessons learned approach can easily turn into a fruitless exercise. The VA and Takata scandals are important reminders of basic compliance and governance requirements. If carefully considered, they underscore the reasons why compliance programs exist and why an effective program is so critical in today’s global economy. My list...