Tagged: effective ethics and compliance program

The Often Ignored Importance of Antitrust Compliance (Part I of II)

The Often Ignored Importance of Antitrust Compliance (Part I of II)

If you ask any Chief Compliance Officer whether their compliance program includes antitrust laws, they will respond quickly and tell you – “Of course we do.” If you follow up you initial question and ask how do you ensure compliance you will hear a single response – “We conduct training.” When you scratch the surface on antitrust compliance at major companies, you will usually hear...

The Importance of Risk Ranking to Compliance

The Importance of Risk Ranking to Compliance

We all face a number of risks every day. Yet, we do not respond to each and every risk. We engage in risk-ranking our responses. Some are more risk than others and some are more catastrophic than others. So, we engage in risk ranking each day and allocate our time and attention accordingly. The same applies, or should apply, when managing a compliance program. Resources...

Defining “Effective” Ethics and Compliance Programs

Defining “Effective” Ethics and Compliance Programs

The compliance profession faces many challenges. Some are more important than others. When it comes to evaluating performance, or measuring compliance programs, the profession has a steep uphill climb. Unfortunately, measuring compliance programs and defining what an “effective” program is an issue that requires extensive research and analysis. Justice Potter Stewart’s famous words defining “obscenity” – “I know it when I see it,” just will...

Do Former Prosecutors Make Good CCOs?

Do Former Prosecutors Make Good CCOs?

A number of companies have adopted the requirement that a new Chief Compliance Office come from the ranks of former federal prosecutors. I am not sure exactly why companies have adopted this requirement. Perhaps company leaders think this will give the company an advantage when dealing with the Justice Department or the SEC. With full disclosure here, I admit my bias in favor of federal...

Global Construction and Corruption

Global Construction and Corruption

With increasing focus on infrastructure projects and greater public demand for improvements, governments are preparing to ramp up construction projects. Part of the budgeting process has to acknowledge the cost of corruption. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out that construction and corruption go hand-in-hand. Corruption occurs in construction projects because of the incendiary mix of money, government bureaucracy, and lack of...

Corruption Risks and Corporate Social Responsibility Spending

Corruption Risks and Corporate Social Responsibility Spending

Global companies have been embracing socially responsible spending projects to build stronger relationships with local communities. The idea makes a lot of sense and real projects can result in real benefits. As with any significant source of money, there are risks. Major global companies have been caught in some embarrassing situations, some of which can have real legal and reputational consequences. Think of the irony...

Watch Michael Volkov on Bureau van Dijk Webinar Addressing Third-Party Due Diligence

Watch Michael Volkov on Bureau van Dijk Webinar Addressing Third-Party Due Diligence

I was honored to conduct a live, video webinar last week on third party due diligence, focusing on the importance of beneficial ownership.  My co-panelists were Bill Hauserman and Ted Datta from Bureau van Dijk. You can watch the webinar and download the slides from the webinar (here). I have been impressed with BvD’s product offering – key tools in your third party screening process...

The Evolving Due Diligence Standards and Beneficial Ownership

The Evolving Due Diligence Standards and Beneficial Ownership

In case you are not following all the latest scandals – Unaoil and the Panama Papers being two significant ones – we are seeing an evolution and possibly a revolution in due diligence expectations. No matter what context or what your specific concern may be, the need for every compliance department to identify the beneficial owners of joint venture partners, third party intermediaries, distributors, agents...

Trust and Integrity: The Value of a Company’s Reputation

Trust and Integrity: The Value of a Company’s Reputation

Warren Buffet, the Oracle of Omaha, understands the importance of corporate culture and adhering to a code of ethics. He has been quoted: Lose money and I will forgive you. Lose even a shred of reputation and I will be ruthless. …… Wealth can always be recreated, but reputation takes a lifetime to build and often only a moment to destroy. Buffet’s implicit message is unmistakable – culture, reputation and...

Webinar: CCOs and the Board of Directors: Establishing an Effective Relationship

Webinar: CCOs and the Board of Directors: Establishing an Effective Relationship

Webinar: CCOs and the Board of Directors: Establishing an Effective Relationship May 24, 2016 12 PM EST Register Here Chief Compliance Officers have to establish a positive and productive working relationship with the corporate board of directors. An effective reporting relationship is essential to ensuring an effective ethics and compliance program.  CCOs have to attend to this relationship, learn how to use it effectively, and...