Tagged: Elizabeth holmes

Episode 233 — Tom Fox and Mike Volkov Discuss DOJ Criminal Trial Wins, Losses and Stumbles

Episode 233 — Tom Fox and Mike Volkov Discuss DOJ Criminal Trial Wins, Losses and Stumbles

Federal prosecutors know that their job – to represent the United States – is the highlight of their legal career. Speaking from experience, federal prosecutors are a privileged lot – they can announce in court they represent the United States. It is a heady experience and an absolute privilege.  It is hard not to repeat the Spiderman quote, “With great power comes great responsibility” – but...

DOJ’s Big Case Victories and Misguided Targets (Part II of III)

DOJ’s Big Case Victories and Misguided Targets (Part II of III)

History is written by the winners – Napoleon It’s never just a game when you’re winning – George Carlin On the top of its record of success, DOJ won two big and highly-contested cases.  The first against Elizabeth Holmes and the second against Roger Ng.  In perhaps one of its most significant failures, DOJ was handed a quick acquittal of Mark Forkner, Boeing’s Flight Technical...