Tagged: employee hotlines

Assessing Your Hotline System

Employee hotlines are – sorry about this – a “hot” topic these days in compliance.  NAVEX Global’s recent study (here) confirmed the importance of an effective hotline system.  Companies that implement robust and widely-used internal reporting systems are more effective in identifying and responding to potential problems.  Such an impact improves overall business performance as measured by return on assets, fewer material lawsuits, lower litigation...

What Happens When Employees Stop Speaking Up?

What Happens When Employees Stop Speaking Up?

One of several difficult compliance questions facing companies revolves around reporting of employee concerns. If the number of complaints coming in on a company hotline goes down over time, is corporate misconduct going down or are employees losing trust in the company’s speak up system? These are two diametrically opposite conclusions. Compliance officers have to be realistic and objective when analyzing this question. Misconduct rates...