Tagged: HHS

Prosecuting Doctors for Medicare Fraud

Prosecuting Doctors for Medicare Fraud

Federal prosecutors have turned their attention to physicians for Medicare fraud prosecution. Physicians who participate in the Medicare program have to be aware of the significant risks of Medicare fraud. In June, federal law enforcement orchestrated the largest nationwide Medicare bust of all time – 243 individuals were charged, including 46 doctors, nurses, and other licensed medical professionals for their participation in Medicare fraud schemes...

Defrauding Medicare — A Little Help from the Private Sector?

The headline on Medicare last  week was astounding — $60 billion (not million) was lost each year to Medicare fraud, large numbers of fraudulent providers were providing fake or badd addresses – meaning locations including hamburger stands, vacant lots, mailbox shops. According to a recent GAO report (here), Medicare pays money to fraudsters at approximately 23,400 fake or bad addresses (22 percent of all provider...