Tagged: LRN Report

LRN 2024 Program Effectiveness Report Underscores Importance of Values, Adaptation and Accountability

LRN 2024 Program Effectiveness Report Underscores Importance of Values, Adaptation and Accountability

LRN continues to set the standard for ethics and compliance program research.  Volkov Law is  a supporter of, and advocate for, LRN’s research because it has consistently confirmed what we all know and believe — ethical companies perform better in the marketplace over the long run.  It is an intuitive fact that employees respond better to values-based leadership than a rules-based environment and culture.  Volkov...

Episode 242 — LRN Report on Assessing Corporate Culture — Interview of Ty Francis, LRN Chief Advisory Officer

LRN has released a new and informative report on Assessing Corporate Culture. LRN’s report provides invaluable guidance and practical steps for corporate boards to lead in the management, oversight and monitoring of corporate culture. A link to the report is below, along with an earlier LRN report on Benchmarking Ethical Culture. In this Episode, Michael Volkov interviews Ty Francis, Chief Advisory Officer at LRN, concerning...