Tagged: LRN

Episode 327 — Another Look at Corporate Culture

LRN has issued another important report — in its latest report, The 2024 Benchmark of Ethical Culture Report, LRN has focused on the critical issue of corporate culture.  LRN is a pacesetter and the leader in reliable studies on complex ethics and compliance issues.  If not properly promoted or maintained, a defective culture can lead to serious misconduct, government investigation, reputational damage and collateral harm. ...

LRN Report Highlights (Again) the Importance of Ethical Culture (Part I of II)

in its latest report, The 2024 Benchmark of Ethical Culture Report, LRN has focused on the critical issue of corporate culture.  LRN is a pacesetter and the leader in reliable studies on complex ethics and compliance issues.  If not properly promoted or maintained, a defective culture can lead to serious misconduct, government investigation, reputational damage and collateral harm.  on the other hand, a positive and...

Episode 318 — LRN’s Recent Study Underscores Importance of Ethical Culture and Values-Based Leadership

LRN continues to set the standard for ethics and compliance program research.  Volkov Law is  a supporter of, and advocate for, LRN’s research because it has consistently confirmed what we all know and believe — ethical companies perform better in the marketplace over the long run.  It is an intuitive fact that employees respond better to values-based leadership than a rules-based environment and culture.  Volkov...

Episode 297 — Susan Divers on LRN’s 2023 Program Effectiveness Report

LRN’s annual Program Effectiveness Report is chock full of important findings.  Frankly, LRN’s PEI Report is a “board worthy” report (as Donna Boehme used to say — every board member should read it). Susan and Michael discuss several important findings in LRN’s 2023 Report: High-performing ethics and compliance programs rely principally on values to motivate and guide ethical and compliant behavior — LRN’s Report confirms again...

LRN and Tapestry Networks Issue Important Guidance for Corporate Boards and CEOs to Build and Manage Ethical Cultures

You can always count on LRN.  No ifs, ands or buts, LRN continues to issue the highest-quality and most meaningful research and guidance on ethics and compliance programs.  LRN digs in to ask the hard questions, measures important trends and consistently provides importance support and guidance for corporate governance.  LRN is a must read in these areas. Now that I finished by promotional rant, let’s...

Episode 37 — Ethics and Compliance Trends from Recent Surveys and Studies

Two recent ethics and compliance surveys and studies provide important information on ethics and compliance program trends.  The first is LRN’s 2018 Ethics and Compliance Program Effectiveness Report.  The second is the Ethics and Compliance Initiative Global Business Ethics Survey. In this episode, Michael Volkov reviews the two surveys and studies and the implications for ethics and compliance program practitioners.